Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Yep, it happens. 
Even though I've been quilting for 38 years, mistakes still happen. And when they do, they happen BIG. I was cutting away the backing fabric from behind an appliqué when IT happened. Before I knew it, my scissors clipped my quilt top...twice. 
After spewing a voracious array of various words I didn't even think I knew, I tossed my scissors aside and decided to walk away before it got REALLY ugly. 
And why did this happen? Because I got over confident and started to rush. There's a lesson in there. SLOW DOWN no matter how good things are going. 
So what now? I'll have to figure out a way to appliqué over these sections without adding any bulk. 
But that starts tomorrow... 


  1. Oh crapola! I feel your pn Jerry..... been there and it really sucks!

  2. That suppose to say.... pain! I feel your pain!

  3. Thanks Kim! It really does stink but everything is fixed now.

  4. Hello, from Fish Hoek South Africa - the leader of Seaside quilters...would like to talk to you about your banner/header on your blog. margie.adams@mweb.co.za
