Monday, March 3, 2014

My Navy Years

     People have been asking about my Navy years so I thought I'd post some pics I found and tell you about them. 
     I joined the US Navy as a musician in 1982 and retired in 2003 for a total of 21 years. I had wonderful experiences and met some wonderful people and got to play some wonderful gigs. I will always look back on my time fondly. 
     Here are some pics from that time:
We were playing in a small town in France. Here I am with my alto saxophone trying to look cool in my I am to the right of the trombone soloist standing behind the stand that says "States". 

This was taken in the mountains of Italy. I've put down the saxophone, grabbed a microphone, and took the center position. I was too hip for a microphone stand apparently.
This picture has a deep, personal meaning for me and is one of the most important pictures I have. This was taken in Beirut, Lebanon. We were playing in the Marine barracks (I'm on the far right with the microphone) that was bombed a week later killing 241 Marines. We took comfort that we were able to bring some entertainment and joy in the lives of these brave Marines before they met such a violent end. We also stayed in these barracks while we toured Lebanon with Bob Hope as his back-up band. This picture still gives me chills.

So that's just a little bit about me and my Navy years. I look forward to sharing more about me and my life's journey and how it impacts my quilting.


  1. What fabulous and treasured memories.....

  2. Those are great photos. Thanks for sharing. I just met another Vet from that time in Beirut. Loving your quilts too!
